
How and why were these belts designed?

In the mysterious depths of the ocean, as a professional submariner I have been an actor in certain extraordinary events. Every day, we carried a small bag called "supplements" necessary for our survival (Oxygen mask, spanner wrench, hood and fireproof gloves...)

Night and day, we kept it at hand, ready to react to marine perils. But the basic buckle, with its complicated mechanisms, slowed down our actions and caused us to lose precious, sometimes decisive seconds. That's when inspiration struck me, and an idea was born - an idea of ​​simplicity, speed, efficiency.

So, thanks to my experience as a submariner and my determination to improve safety and speed of access, belts with futuristic/magnetic buckles came into being. Every belt you find here tells a story of heroism and innovation, a story that began in the unfathomable depths of the ocean.

We are proud to offer you belts that embody courage and ingenuity, ready to accompany you on your own adventure. Discover our unique belts, designed for your comfort and safety, and carry with you the legacy of the heroes of the abyss.

Good shopping,